Weekly Update 14/08/2023
Enjoy Monkey Empire devblog and keep in touch with the ape game development
Last updated
Enjoy Monkey Empire devblog and keep in touch with the ape game development
Last updated
Backend By Floffy and Austin
We updated the Resources Storage vault, that now acts as a limiter for attacks, not as an external vault, so the users can still see their resources in the village base resources
Added new infos on item payloads, so the frontend team can know automatically on which feature each item is applied to
Corrected some small issues with some item effects (Blueprint and Extra Builder items were buggy)
Added some new infos in facilities being built, to improve experience
Updated some routing + added the documentation for Clans, so it can be used on the frontend experience
We’re working on adding a new Terrain -> the MKC Depot, that will allow users to attack and loot them for MKCs rewards
Frontend by Samy
This week I have been doing a wide range of different stuff : I needed to improve security on our build servers. There’s still room for improvement. I also had to repair a Linux system that could not boot anymore after an update (GRUB got sick).
As Chris implemented the new city level, I replaced buildings location, walls collisions, camera… well everything needed so the game is playable. We will look for further optimization, but right now Draw Calls are kept below 400. I also put some background on the worldmap, and limited the camera so it does not go outside of the playable area. I also imported 2 new characters.
I have been writting specs for a great update. Game will be easier and more enjoyable to play with. It also include bugfixes, for example Extra Builder which was never expiring, as I proceed to do more tests, especially on AI and Items. Also I am looking at Gauntlet, the Unreal Engine tool that can help automating the testing process.
I have been actively looking for a senior backend developer, if you are interested and have a lot of experience with our tech stack (NestJS, Redis,Postgres, REST API, Socket…) we would love to hear you ! https://zpneqgncyrt.typeform.com/to/U8WLNszi?typeform-source=monkeyempire.net
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Linktree: linktr.ee/monkey.empire Website: https://monkeyempire.net Whitepaper: https://monkeyempiredeeplgitbook.io/monkey-empire/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/monkeyempiree Discord: http://discord.gg/RGchaxczUB Telegram: https://t.me/monkeyempiree Quests: https://vu.fr/NlMC